Why "Quiet Quitting" Your Relationship Betrays Authentic Living

Why "Quiet Quitting" Your Relationship Betrays Authentic Living

3. dec. 2023

You may have heard the phrase "quiet quitting" in the context of employment, where people disengage from their job rather than leaving it outright. But have you considered how this concept extends into our personal lives, specifically in our relationships?

The Illusion of Inaction in Relationships 🎭

In your love life, "quiet quitting" is like maintaining a facade of a partnership when your emotional investment has already bottomed out. You may share a home, even a bed, but your hearts are miles apart. Sounds familiar? Then, you are in a "quiet quit" relationship. It is “drifting apart” and staying that way either hoping things will change on their own, that your partner will leave or that someone better will come along.

The Reality of Quiet Quitting in Relationships 💔

In my book, "The Art of Being Authentic," I pose an exercise to illustrate the emotional reality of this. You consider a moment in your life when you made a conscious choice—like choosing to end a dysfunctional relationship. You likely feel an array of emotions, such as empowerment, love for yourself, relief, and perhaps a smidgen of nervousness about what comes next. Then you flip the scenario—pretend you didn't make the choice, but your partner is the one leaving you. Suddenly, your emotional range narrows. Gone are the positive emotions except perhaps relief and negative feelings like anger and unworthiness take center stage.

The Cost of Silence: Emotional Bankruptcy 🏦

When you "quiet quit," you rob yourself of the chance to experience the emotional richness that accompanies making a deliberate, authentic decision. You might think that doing nothing is a neutral act, but it's the opposite. Inaction sucks the positive emotions out of your life and replaces them with negativity.

Authentically Yours: Make the Tough Choices ❤️

At the heart of authentic living lies embracing the emotional fullness that comes from taking purposeful actions, even when those actions are difficult. Whether it's expressing your needs in your relationship, seeking couples therapy to repair what no longer can be mended on your own ,or deciding to part ways.

These choices—though tough—paint your life in more vivid emotional colors.

Today's Take Away: Chose Action Over Inaction in Your Relationship 🌟

Set High Standards: Couples with high expectations for their relationships, on average, have healthier partnerships than those with lower expectations.

Reflect: If you're not genuinely content in your relationship, identify the issues troubling you.

Communicate: Talk openly with your partner about your feelings, even if you don’t need to have a solution in mind. The goal is to work toward a solution together.

Take Action: Remind yourself that inaction is not neutral; it has consequences. Whenever you're unhappy, always take purposeful steps to address the issues at hand.

You may have heard the phrase "quiet quitting" in the context of employment, where people disengage from their job rather than leaving it outright. But have you considered how this concept extends into our personal lives, specifically in our relationships?

The Illusion of Inaction in Relationships 🎭

In your love life, "quiet quitting" is like maintaining a facade of a partnership when your emotional investment has already bottomed out. You may share a home, even a bed, but your hearts are miles apart. Sounds familiar? Then, you are in a "quiet quit" relationship. It is “drifting apart” and staying that way either hoping things will change on their own, that your partner will leave or that someone better will come along.

The Reality of Quiet Quitting in Relationships 💔

In my book, "The Art of Being Authentic," I pose an exercise to illustrate the emotional reality of this. You consider a moment in your life when you made a conscious choice—like choosing to end a dysfunctional relationship. You likely feel an array of emotions, such as empowerment, love for yourself, relief, and perhaps a smidgen of nervousness about what comes next. Then you flip the scenario—pretend you didn't make the choice, but your partner is the one leaving you. Suddenly, your emotional range narrows. Gone are the positive emotions except perhaps relief and negative feelings like anger and unworthiness take center stage.

The Cost of Silence: Emotional Bankruptcy 🏦

When you "quiet quit," you rob yourself of the chance to experience the emotional richness that accompanies making a deliberate, authentic decision. You might think that doing nothing is a neutral act, but it's the opposite. Inaction sucks the positive emotions out of your life and replaces them with negativity.

Authentically Yours: Make the Tough Choices ❤️

At the heart of authentic living lies embracing the emotional fullness that comes from taking purposeful actions, even when those actions are difficult. Whether it's expressing your needs in your relationship, seeking couples therapy to repair what no longer can be mended on your own ,or deciding to part ways.

These choices—though tough—paint your life in more vivid emotional colors.

Today's Take Away: Chose Action Over Inaction in Your Relationship 🌟

Set High Standards: Couples with high expectations for their relationships, on average, have healthier partnerships than those with lower expectations.

Reflect: If you're not genuinely content in your relationship, identify the issues troubling you.

Communicate: Talk openly with your partner about your feelings, even if you don’t need to have a solution in mind. The goal is to work toward a solution together.

Take Action: Remind yourself that inaction is not neutral; it has consequences. Whenever you're unhappy, always take purposeful steps to address the issues at hand.

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