Authentic Leadership

Authentic Leadership

1. okt. 2023

We get better by learning. Many leaders spend a significant amount of time studying cases, theory, and practical advice to continuously equip themselves for the corporate world. It makes sense that we learn from others to become better; there's no point in repeating their mistakes, and it can make a lot of sense to follow their steps to success.

When it comes to leadership, we read books about what other leaders did and take from it what we can use. Sometimes we try to model them and do exactly like them in order to get better results. But when it comes to being an authentic leader, this approach does not work. It might seem obvious that an authentic leader is their own unique person with their own unique style of leadership, yet, many still try to emulate other leaders.

The Double-Edged Sword ⚔️

A large part of this, is due to the way we use the word authentic. While we define authentic with words such as 'unique,' 'original,' and 'true to yourself,' we also use the word in the exact opposite way. To illustrate this contradiction, let's take an example from popular culture. If I ask you to describe an authentic Italian godfather, what would he look like?

You are probably already thinking of an older man in a suit, slick hair, and a cigar. Why did you imagine this? Because he looks like all the rest, all the stereotypes you know. That is because we also use the word authentic as a way to describe a copy that meets certain criteria. And that is why we mistakenly emulate others thinking that is what an authentic leader is supposed to be like. This misconception often leads us astray, forgetting that authenticity is rooted in what is uniquely true for us.

Arguably, authentic is better described as 'unique' rather than a 'copy', but does that also mean that anything I as a leader choose to do thus becomes authentic and just looking to someone else's approach is inauthentic? Not at all.

Being Real: More Than Just Checking The Boxes 🗃️
We can look to some of the characteristics of authentic leaders such as leading from purpose, leading with empathy, having self-awareness, being comfortable showing vulnerability, and seeking to understand those around them. For instance, consider a leader who genuinely listens to their team's concerns and feedback, reflecting on how their own behavior might have contributed to any issues. Thereby displaying vulnerability by being open to constructive criticism. They then use this feedback to improve their leadership style, demonstrating both empathy and self-awareness.

This can provide us with a guideline to work from. However, we cannot emulate it and expect it to be authentic. We cannot pretend to be empathetic and use it as a strategic tool. We have to decide to cultivate empathy in ourselves in all instances of life - both professionally and privately - and we cannot choose only to be empathetic when it serves our own goals. Neither can we adopt the purpose of another leader and expect it to be our own authentic purpose. You cannot sit down and define your purpose. Your purpose is derived from the sum of your life experiences and the narrative you attribute to it.

We can instead genuinely cultivate empathy. It not only enhances our relationships with our team but also enables us to make better decisions that consider everyone's wellbeing. A simple act of asking about their challenges can go a long way in building an empathetic connection. Similarly, discovering our own purpose can lead to a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction that cannot be achieved by simply following someone else's path.

It's Personal, Not Copy-Paste 🎯

As authentic leaders, we must break the habit of looking to others and start a new one of looking to ourselves. Engaging in self-awareness is the first and most fundamental step towards becoming the most authentic leader possible. Don't miss out on discovering the unique and powerful strengths that you possess. Don't miss out on discovering your own authentic leadership style.

Remember, authentic leadership is a journey, not a destination. Embrace your unique leadership style and let it guide you. Learn from others but remember to filter their lessons through your own values and experiences. Stay true to yourself, and you'll inspire others to do the same.

Tangible Tip - Unearth Your 'Why' for Real Impact 💡

Ask yourself what values are important to me. Then ask yourself why each value is important.  The less obvious your why is, the greater the likelihood is that this is a norm you have adopted from others. The more obvious the why is, the greater the likelihood that this is something that is authentically you. Start leading from your strongest why’s and try and find more ways of expressing those why’s.

We get better by learning. Many leaders spend a significant amount of time studying cases, theory, and practical advice to continuously equip themselves for the corporate world. It makes sense that we learn from others to become better; there's no point in repeating their mistakes, and it can make a lot of sense to follow their steps to success.

When it comes to leadership, we read books about what other leaders did and take from it what we can use. Sometimes we try to model them and do exactly like them in order to get better results. But when it comes to being an authentic leader, this approach does not work. It might seem obvious that an authentic leader is their own unique person with their own unique style of leadership, yet, many still try to emulate other leaders.

The Double-Edged Sword ⚔️

A large part of this, is due to the way we use the word authentic. While we define authentic with words such as 'unique,' 'original,' and 'true to yourself,' we also use the word in the exact opposite way. To illustrate this contradiction, let's take an example from popular culture. If I ask you to describe an authentic Italian godfather, what would he look like?

You are probably already thinking of an older man in a suit, slick hair, and a cigar. Why did you imagine this? Because he looks like all the rest, all the stereotypes you know. That is because we also use the word authentic as a way to describe a copy that meets certain criteria. And that is why we mistakenly emulate others thinking that is what an authentic leader is supposed to be like. This misconception often leads us astray, forgetting that authenticity is rooted in what is uniquely true for us.

Arguably, authentic is better described as 'unique' rather than a 'copy', but does that also mean that anything I as a leader choose to do thus becomes authentic and just looking to someone else's approach is inauthentic? Not at all.

Being Real: More Than Just Checking The Boxes 🗃️
We can look to some of the characteristics of authentic leaders such as leading from purpose, leading with empathy, having self-awareness, being comfortable showing vulnerability, and seeking to understand those around them. For instance, consider a leader who genuinely listens to their team's concerns and feedback, reflecting on how their own behavior might have contributed to any issues. Thereby displaying vulnerability by being open to constructive criticism. They then use this feedback to improve their leadership style, demonstrating both empathy and self-awareness.

This can provide us with a guideline to work from. However, we cannot emulate it and expect it to be authentic. We cannot pretend to be empathetic and use it as a strategic tool. We have to decide to cultivate empathy in ourselves in all instances of life - both professionally and privately - and we cannot choose only to be empathetic when it serves our own goals. Neither can we adopt the purpose of another leader and expect it to be our own authentic purpose. You cannot sit down and define your purpose. Your purpose is derived from the sum of your life experiences and the narrative you attribute to it.

We can instead genuinely cultivate empathy. It not only enhances our relationships with our team but also enables us to make better decisions that consider everyone's wellbeing. A simple act of asking about their challenges can go a long way in building an empathetic connection. Similarly, discovering our own purpose can lead to a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction that cannot be achieved by simply following someone else's path.

It's Personal, Not Copy-Paste 🎯

As authentic leaders, we must break the habit of looking to others and start a new one of looking to ourselves. Engaging in self-awareness is the first and most fundamental step towards becoming the most authentic leader possible. Don't miss out on discovering the unique and powerful strengths that you possess. Don't miss out on discovering your own authentic leadership style.

Remember, authentic leadership is a journey, not a destination. Embrace your unique leadership style and let it guide you. Learn from others but remember to filter their lessons through your own values and experiences. Stay true to yourself, and you'll inspire others to do the same.

Tangible Tip - Unearth Your 'Why' for Real Impact 💡

Ask yourself what values are important to me. Then ask yourself why each value is important.  The less obvious your why is, the greater the likelihood is that this is a norm you have adopted from others. The more obvious the why is, the greater the likelihood that this is something that is authentically you. Start leading from your strongest why’s and try and find more ways of expressing those why’s.

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