The Two Sides of Conscience: Personal vs. Authentic

The Two Sides of Conscience: Personal vs. Authentic

10. mar. 2024

Here is  a topic that's near and dear to me: our conscience. You know, that inner voice that helps you navigate through life's decisions. But what if I told you it's not as black and white as it seems?

The Multifaceted Nature of Conscience 🔄

Our conscience is not just a moral compass that screams "right" or "wrong" at us. Nope, it's far more than that. Actually, you can divide it into two distinct categories: Personal Conscience and Authentic Conscience. And they don't always see eye to eye.

The Two-Faced Personal Conscience 🎭

Ever noticed how your behavior shifts depending on who you're with? Like, you'd probably never talk about your love life in a business meeting but may freely discuss it over drinks with friends. That's your Personal Conscience at work.

Your Personal Conscience's main job isn't to guide you toward ethical nirvana; it's to help you fit into your social circles. It's all about creating bonds and managing that tricky thing called guilt. It's the one telling you that sending that slightly inappropriate text to a friend is okay, but the same text to your boss? Big no-no.

The Dilemma of Double Standards 🤹

Personal Conscience doesn't play fair. It's got built-in double standards that enable us to treat those inside our circle differently from those on the outside. Yes, it can get morally murky, and yes, it's driven by our ego. But it's not all bad. Its primary function is to bond us with others, but sometimes at the cost of our own authenticity.

Enter Authentic Conscience 👁️‍🗨️

Your Authentic Conscience doesn't care about fitting in; it cares about what's right for you—objectively and for the long term. It's the one nudging you to defy your family's expectations, to step out of societal norms, or even to change your identity if that's what it takes to be true to yourself.

Today's Take-Away: Trust the Right Voice 🤔

Navigating the world and your place in it is no small feat, but your Authentic Conscience can be your best ally in this journey. When you're about to make a decision, pause. Ask yourself, "Is this coming from my need to fit in or my desire to be authentic?" Your answer could make all the difference.

Remember, living an authentic life sometimes means defying the norms and expectations of your surroundings. But in the end, being true to yourself is what truly counts.

Here is  a topic that's near and dear to me: our conscience. You know, that inner voice that helps you navigate through life's decisions. But what if I told you it's not as black and white as it seems?

The Multifaceted Nature of Conscience 🔄

Our conscience is not just a moral compass that screams "right" or "wrong" at us. Nope, it's far more than that. Actually, you can divide it into two distinct categories: Personal Conscience and Authentic Conscience. And they don't always see eye to eye.

The Two-Faced Personal Conscience 🎭

Ever noticed how your behavior shifts depending on who you're with? Like, you'd probably never talk about your love life in a business meeting but may freely discuss it over drinks with friends. That's your Personal Conscience at work.

Your Personal Conscience's main job isn't to guide you toward ethical nirvana; it's to help you fit into your social circles. It's all about creating bonds and managing that tricky thing called guilt. It's the one telling you that sending that slightly inappropriate text to a friend is okay, but the same text to your boss? Big no-no.

The Dilemma of Double Standards 🤹

Personal Conscience doesn't play fair. It's got built-in double standards that enable us to treat those inside our circle differently from those on the outside. Yes, it can get morally murky, and yes, it's driven by our ego. But it's not all bad. Its primary function is to bond us with others, but sometimes at the cost of our own authenticity.

Enter Authentic Conscience 👁️‍🗨️

Your Authentic Conscience doesn't care about fitting in; it cares about what's right for you—objectively and for the long term. It's the one nudging you to defy your family's expectations, to step out of societal norms, or even to change your identity if that's what it takes to be true to yourself.

Today's Take-Away: Trust the Right Voice 🤔

Navigating the world and your place in it is no small feat, but your Authentic Conscience can be your best ally in this journey. When you're about to make a decision, pause. Ask yourself, "Is this coming from my need to fit in or my desire to be authentic?" Your answer could make all the difference.

Remember, living an authentic life sometimes means defying the norms and expectations of your surroundings. But in the end, being true to yourself is what truly counts.

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