The Quest for Righteousness: Doing What is Right vs Making Things Right

The Quest for Righteousness: Doing What is Right vs Making Things Right

14. jan. 2024

Let's delve into a question that can drastically change the trajectory of our lives and relationships: Are you focused on doing what is right, or are you busy trying to make things right?

The Pitfall of Making Things Right πŸ”„

Often, we find ourselves caught in the trap of trying to make things right. Whether it's staying in a dysfunctional relationship in the hope of turning it into the fairy tale we envisioned, or continually replaying scenes from our past with new characters. We chase unfulfilling interactions, seeking validation from colleagues, friends, or even strangers because we've felt invalidated earlier in life. This path seldom leads to genuine satisfaction or emotional well-being. The reason? It's rooted in the fantasy of control, the illusion that we can manipulate external circumstances or people to align with our version of 'right.'

The Power of Doing What is Right βœ…

Doing what is right, on the other hand, is an act of empowerment. It's a conscious decision to align your actions and choices with your values, principles, and authentic self, regardless of external circumstances. When you focus on doing what is right for you, the need to control or manipulate the outside world falls away. You move from a reactive to a proactive stance, which is a crucial aspect of living authentically.

The Emotional Complexity of the 'Making Right' Trap ⚠️

When we are caught in the web of 'making things right,' we may experience a range of emotions like guilt, anxiety, or frustration. These feelings can cloud our judgment and overshadow our inner compass, making it challenging to discern what is genuinely right for us. It becomes a never-ending cycle, one that only deepens our emotional entanglement.

A Note From "The Art of Being Authentic" πŸ“–

Recall the chapters in my book about understanding your emotional reality. When you're occupied with making things right, you're not living in alignment with your emotional truth. It’s time to take a step back and reassess.

Today's Take-Away: Choose Right Over Righting 🌟

So, ask yourself today: Are you stuck in a loop of trying to make things right? Or are you bravely stepping forward to do what is genuinely right for you?

If you find that you're leaning towards 'making right,' consider refocusing. Reflect on your values and principles. Realign your actions to match your authentic self. By doing what is right instead of making things right, you move closer to a life that is genuinely yours.

Let's delve into a question that can drastically change the trajectory of our lives and relationships: Are you focused on doing what is right, or are you busy trying to make things right?

The Pitfall of Making Things Right πŸ”„

Often, we find ourselves caught in the trap of trying to make things right. Whether it's staying in a dysfunctional relationship in the hope of turning it into the fairy tale we envisioned, or continually replaying scenes from our past with new characters. We chase unfulfilling interactions, seeking validation from colleagues, friends, or even strangers because we've felt invalidated earlier in life. This path seldom leads to genuine satisfaction or emotional well-being. The reason? It's rooted in the fantasy of control, the illusion that we can manipulate external circumstances or people to align with our version of 'right.'

The Power of Doing What is Right βœ…

Doing what is right, on the other hand, is an act of empowerment. It's a conscious decision to align your actions and choices with your values, principles, and authentic self, regardless of external circumstances. When you focus on doing what is right for you, the need to control or manipulate the outside world falls away. You move from a reactive to a proactive stance, which is a crucial aspect of living authentically.

The Emotional Complexity of the 'Making Right' Trap ⚠️

When we are caught in the web of 'making things right,' we may experience a range of emotions like guilt, anxiety, or frustration. These feelings can cloud our judgment and overshadow our inner compass, making it challenging to discern what is genuinely right for us. It becomes a never-ending cycle, one that only deepens our emotional entanglement.

A Note From "The Art of Being Authentic" πŸ“–

Recall the chapters in my book about understanding your emotional reality. When you're occupied with making things right, you're not living in alignment with your emotional truth. It’s time to take a step back and reassess.

Today's Take-Away: Choose Right Over Righting 🌟

So, ask yourself today: Are you stuck in a loop of trying to make things right? Or are you bravely stepping forward to do what is genuinely right for you?

If you find that you're leaning towards 'making right,' consider refocusing. Reflect on your values and principles. Realign your actions to match your authentic self. By doing what is right instead of making things right, you move closer to a life that is genuinely yours.

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