Living Authentically: When Goals Defeat Your Purpose

Living Authentically: When Goals Defeat Your Purpose

19. nov. 2023

Ever aimed so fixedly at a goal that you ended up losing sight of who you are? You're not alone. In this newsletter, let's shift focus from goal-setting to purpose-driven living, a cornerstone of authentic living.

The Illusion of Goals 🔮

Goals give us direction, something to aim for. Sounds great, right? The hitch is that while goals can propel us forward, they can also tunnel our vision, causing us to lose sight of our broader purpose. We end up asking, “What should I accomplish now?” instead of the much more essential question, “Who do I want to be right now?”

The Bedtime Dilemma 🛌

A good example was one that I personally have experienced in my own life and one that most parents will recognize. I wanted my kids in bed by 8 p.m. for perfectly sensible reasons: a well-rested family and some quality time with my spouse. But life’s unpredictability and my kids’ whims often led to extensive bedtime battles. I found myself raising my voice, issuing empty threats, and, most damagingly, losing the essence of my purpose in my family—to be a loving father and partner.

The Shift: Goals to Purpose 🔄

That's when it clicked. My goal, albeit practical, was defeating my more crucial purpose. When I began to reflect on who I wanted to be at that moment rather than what I wanted to accomplish, everything shifted. My reactions changed, and the atmosphere at home followed suit.

Purpose Before Goals 🧭

Purpose-driven living means putting purpose before goals. It means planning and acting from purpose rather than planning and acting to reach a goal. So the next time you find yourself entangled in the mechanics of achieving a specific goal, take a step back. Ask yourself if that goal syncs with the person you want to be. If it doesn’t, it might be time for some recalibration.

Today's Takeaway: Your Purpose is Your True North 🌟

Goals are merely milestones; your purpose is your journey. Whenever you feel bogged down by the specifics, lift your eyes and orient yourself to your 'true north.' It’s not about achieving goals; it’s about becoming the person you’re meant to be.

Ever aimed so fixedly at a goal that you ended up losing sight of who you are? You're not alone. In this newsletter, let's shift focus from goal-setting to purpose-driven living, a cornerstone of authentic living.

The Illusion of Goals 🔮

Goals give us direction, something to aim for. Sounds great, right? The hitch is that while goals can propel us forward, they can also tunnel our vision, causing us to lose sight of our broader purpose. We end up asking, “What should I accomplish now?” instead of the much more essential question, “Who do I want to be right now?”

The Bedtime Dilemma 🛌

A good example was one that I personally have experienced in my own life and one that most parents will recognize. I wanted my kids in bed by 8 p.m. for perfectly sensible reasons: a well-rested family and some quality time with my spouse. But life’s unpredictability and my kids’ whims often led to extensive bedtime battles. I found myself raising my voice, issuing empty threats, and, most damagingly, losing the essence of my purpose in my family—to be a loving father and partner.

The Shift: Goals to Purpose 🔄

That's when it clicked. My goal, albeit practical, was defeating my more crucial purpose. When I began to reflect on who I wanted to be at that moment rather than what I wanted to accomplish, everything shifted. My reactions changed, and the atmosphere at home followed suit.

Purpose Before Goals 🧭

Purpose-driven living means putting purpose before goals. It means planning and acting from purpose rather than planning and acting to reach a goal. So the next time you find yourself entangled in the mechanics of achieving a specific goal, take a step back. Ask yourself if that goal syncs with the person you want to be. If it doesn’t, it might be time for some recalibration.

Today's Takeaway: Your Purpose is Your True North 🌟

Goals are merely milestones; your purpose is your journey. Whenever you feel bogged down by the specifics, lift your eyes and orient yourself to your 'true north.' It’s not about achieving goals; it’s about becoming the person you’re meant to be.

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