Living Authentically: The Courage and Costs of Being Your Authentic Self

Living Authentically: The Courage and Costs of Being Your Authentic Self

22. okt. 2023

The pursuit of an authentic life isn't just a nice ideal; it's the foundation for real happiness. To drive home the importance of this, I want to talk about Niclas—a client of mine doing Find Your Purpose sessions and a guy who fights, not metaphorically, but in actual, professional bouts. His story that struck me deeply and holds an important lesson for us all.

Niclas: Living and Fighting Authentically 👊

Niclas isn’t your average Joe. He’s a professional fighter, facing some of the toughest opponents in the world. He is a three time World Champion and getting in the ring in arenas with thousands of spectators and millions of television viewers. After one especially grueling fight, he made the choice to undergo a brain scan. After many years of fighting, he wanted to ensure he was still fit to continue.

The Social Paradox: Conforming vs. Authentic Living 🔄

His doctor looked at the referral, then looked at Niclas and asked, "Why not quit? Isn't this too risky?" Niclas looked back, undeterred, "This is my passion. This is how I teach my kids that they can achieve anything they put their minds to.” The doctor hesitated again, reluctant to write the referral, when this seemed like an avoidable issue and again asked Niclas to give up fighting.

In that quiet clinic room, Niclas answered him with a rhetorical question: "If I were to quit and return a year from now, depressed and overweight, you’d treat me without question, wouldn’t you?" And there lies the paradox: society often accepts—even medicates—our struggles when we conform, but questions us when we face unique challenges by living authentically.

Such is the paradox we find ourselves in when striving for authentic living. Society will readily reward conformity with a nod and react to authenticity with a frown. Yet, deep inside, we all know that this momentary acceptance can lead to long-term unhappiness. Authenticity may demand a price, but it is a price worth paying for the fulfillment and freedom it brings."

Today's Takeaway: The Real Cost of Authenticity 📝

Niclas's story teaches us that the path to authenticity is rarely smooth. However, the bumps and bruises we collect are the toll for a life genuinely lived. So, consider this: What aspects of your life might be shaping you into someone you're not? What's the real cost of that transformation? Remember, challenges will come either way, but only one path leads you to your authentic self.

The pursuit of an authentic life isn't just a nice ideal; it's the foundation for real happiness. To drive home the importance of this, I want to talk about Niclas—a client of mine doing Find Your Purpose sessions and a guy who fights, not metaphorically, but in actual, professional bouts. His story that struck me deeply and holds an important lesson for us all.

Niclas: Living and Fighting Authentically 👊

Niclas isn’t your average Joe. He’s a professional fighter, facing some of the toughest opponents in the world. He is a three time World Champion and getting in the ring in arenas with thousands of spectators and millions of television viewers. After one especially grueling fight, he made the choice to undergo a brain scan. After many years of fighting, he wanted to ensure he was still fit to continue.

The Social Paradox: Conforming vs. Authentic Living 🔄

His doctor looked at the referral, then looked at Niclas and asked, "Why not quit? Isn't this too risky?" Niclas looked back, undeterred, "This is my passion. This is how I teach my kids that they can achieve anything they put their minds to.” The doctor hesitated again, reluctant to write the referral, when this seemed like an avoidable issue and again asked Niclas to give up fighting.

In that quiet clinic room, Niclas answered him with a rhetorical question: "If I were to quit and return a year from now, depressed and overweight, you’d treat me without question, wouldn’t you?" And there lies the paradox: society often accepts—even medicates—our struggles when we conform, but questions us when we face unique challenges by living authentically.

Such is the paradox we find ourselves in when striving for authentic living. Society will readily reward conformity with a nod and react to authenticity with a frown. Yet, deep inside, we all know that this momentary acceptance can lead to long-term unhappiness. Authenticity may demand a price, but it is a price worth paying for the fulfillment and freedom it brings."

Today's Takeaway: The Real Cost of Authenticity 📝

Niclas's story teaches us that the path to authenticity is rarely smooth. However, the bumps and bruises we collect are the toll for a life genuinely lived. So, consider this: What aspects of your life might be shaping you into someone you're not? What's the real cost of that transformation? Remember, challenges will come either way, but only one path leads you to your authentic self.

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